

Working in the Media Industry/Academic Options/UCAS:

My Inspirations: I have researched into three directors and one screenplay writer and i have spoke about why I am inspired by their works such as how the write characters duologue in films along with the aesthetics the directors have made in their work.

Personal Statement: I have constructed a personal statement that accurately represents who I am as a student and filmmaker and what my inspirations and aspirations are in the media Industry.

Constructing a CV: i’ve spoken about my past work environments and my inspirations and aspirations of becoming someone who works in the media industry along with talking about my past work in the media industry as well.

Designer Brand Logo/Design a Business Card: I have designed a logo which would hypothetically fit my brand and image along with creating a business card with the said log which I created for my brand.

Create Britain/Digital Profiles: I have conducted research into what did your profiles are and what is a good version of a did your profile and replicated it and created my own did your profile by using create Britain.

Show reel: I have created two separate versions of the show reel in which I show my past work in both inside College and outside College when it comes to media work such as editing documentaries filmmaking and podcasting.

Mock Interview: I have shown my research into mock interviews and whatever mock interview is along with showing evidence of my own personal mock interview in which I showed my idea for a hypothetical TV show.

Work Experience/ Networking Experience: I have talked about my work in this media industry along with talking about times I have spoken with people in the Industry that I have had a lot of work before such as creating documentaries and movies.


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