Show reel


The video above is a show reel from Philipp Gatterer in which he shows off his expertise in camera operating cinematography and everything he made in the year 2020.
He uses some lovely upbeat Music along with showing his very impressive work and conveys that there is a show real through the use of text being in the middle of the screen which is something that I adopted for my show reel of my work. 

The image above is a picture of my timeline used to create my showreel, my showreel what is created entirely in Adobe  premiere pro. Are used video clips of my previous work and put them all underneath bits of text I created using the type tool. 

Above is just a short video explaining the timeline and what tools and techniques are used in creating my show reel for all of my media work in the past. Also above is the process for me editing the music and sound for my show reel. This is just a really simple edit using The exponential fade tool to make this song and more abruptly but not sound awful.

My Show Reels

This video above is a non-copyrighted version of the full show reel. The reason I have this version here is so that if the other version happens to be taken down from YouTube then this version of the show reel will stay up on YouTube.

The following work above is a short video containing some of the works I have been creating over the last two years. I have created short films documentaries and adverts. I feel the showcases just what I have created in the last few years on and off college and in my spare time.

The background music is an edited version of this song You and I by Colony House I edited down this song around one minute 15 seconds which is just about the right amount of time to showcase all of the work that I have done without having any downtime or making the video on interesting to watch or not fitting for what I am showing what I have done.


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